IDC GDPR Workshop (with speakers from Sophos and CyberArk) – Addressing the Challenges and Getting Compliant

On September 26, 2017, IDC organizes the GDPR Workshop – Addressing the Challenges and Getting Compliant. The event takes place at the New Hotel, in Athens, Greece. NSS has a significant presence at the event, with speakers from Sophos and CyberArk, two very important vendors which NSS represents in Greece. In addition, representatives of Cisco and Microsoft will also hold speeches at the event.

In May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will enter into force and will apply to any company that processes data from EU citizens.
The recent IDC GDPR survey showed that 50% of CIOs have minimal or no knowledge about GDPR. More than 40% of CIOs are awaiting for further guidelines before taking any action while their primary challenge is the lack of knowledgeable staff.

Compliance with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a serious challenge, but it is also a great opportunity for European and hence Greek businesses. However, the one year ahead will soon be over, the interpretation of nearly 100 pages of legislation and compliance with new or changing standards is not only the responsibility of the internal data protection officers, compliance practitioners, and legal advisers, but also IT and business professionals.

Indicative issues to be covered during the workshop (Agenda):

  • Current and future legislative framework regarding data protection
  • Personal data: definitions, classifications, special categories
  • Data processors and data controllers: obligations, role, and responsibility allocation
  • Definition of data processing, legal basis, consent, special categories, etc.
  • Transparency / Provision of information
  • Rights of data subjects
  • Security of data processing
  • Obligations stemming from the accountability principle
  • DPO: role, responsibilities, duties, obligations of the company
  • Transfer of personal data: analysis of the framework laid down in the GDPR
  • Enforcement of the legislative/regulatory framework, monitoring, surveillance
  • Achieving compliance in practical terms

Sebastian Kaiser, Senior Sales Engineer of Sophos, a vendor represented in Greece by NSS, will speak about “securing your data, and minimizing risk”, and Senior Technical Advisor, Anton Fridrikh from CyberArk, a vendor also represented in our country by NSS, will speak about GDPR, as an opportunity for proactive security.

Target Audience:

CEOs, CIOs, CISOs, CSOs, Compliance and Data Protection Officers, IT Managers, Legal Officers, Business Leaders

Cost of Participation:

Participation in the workshop is 250 Euro + 24% VAT/person (Register here) and it includes the full results of the dedicated IDC GDPR Survey. For more than 3 attendees from the same company a discount of 25% will apply.

You can read the original article, here.