CommuniGate Pronto! 2.0 is here!

“With Pronto! 2.0 you have a powerful platform for e-mail, chat, voice calls and media and entertainment delivery—all utilizing the web. You are not just tied to your home or work PC anymore. You can access this information anywhere and anytime.”

Additionally, Pronto! 2.0 utilizes the power of Adobe AIR, which enables web developers to extend rich Internet applications to the desktop, delivering a more engaging digital experience and addressing key limitations of traditional web applications. Users can open separate windows for Pronto! functions, including IM, calendars, e-mail, and voice, to configure the desktop that works for them. Pronto! 2.0 supports drag-and-drop operations for a more familiar and natural way to save and add attachments from e-mail.

Media and entertainment also gets a big boost with Pronto! 2.0. With the latest H.264 and AAC codecs supporting HD Video capabilities in Adobe Flash Player 9 and AIR, Pronto! 2.0 delivers a powerful high-quality viewing experience over the Internet. Extending Flash Media Interactive Server 3 with CommuniGate Pro’s advanced server API’s and plugins enables Pronto! to help network providers protect and deliver licensed content from Content owners to more consumers with a universal experience regardless of platform.

”Pronto! 2.0 covers all forms of communication apart from the signals smoke! Now we have included the systems of high clarity and the applications of entertainment, adds Doyle. ”The video in the internet becomes more important, and Pronto! 2.0 presents it’s endless possibilities for the multimedia applications.

Pronto! is available today as an open and free service in where users can take Pronto! for a test drive. Moreover, an installable version is located at