iboss Outperformed Industry Standards, Detected 100% of TOR-based Malware and More

The iboss Cloud Secure Web Gateway Platform was rigorously tested by the engineers at Meircom Labs and earned their security certification, while showing an unrivaled ability to stop more evasive threats. Here’s a summary of the Meircom findings: The iboss Cloud Secure Web Gateway Platform had substantially higher detection rates than the industry average (97.4% efficacy against Malware samples outperforming the industry average by 14.9%).

Also the iboss solution detected 100% of all malware leveraging the TOR Dark Web to mask communications (iboss achieved 100% efficacy in detecting malware using TOR and other file sharing methods). Miercom said about that amazing ability: “This category of stealth malware requires a high level of discernment by a Secure Web Gateway that many security products are not capable of.”

The iboss Cloud Secure Web Gateway Platform achieved 100% efficacy detecting advanced Mobile Malware, and that is very important, because the increasing role mobile devices play in the modern enterprise and their unique consumerized nature make them an attractive attack surface and exploit target.

The iboss solution achieved 97% efficacy detecting advanced Polymorphic and Zero-Day threats and that is a huge advantage for iboss as compared to other network security products (iboss ability to detect advanced Polymorphic and Zero-Day threats with 100% efficacy).

Furthermore, iboss has real-time detection and Incident based reporting that’s more effective (iboss automatically consolidates and prioritizes events, translating them into actionable incidents; shortening investigative response time and reducing data loss when breaches occur).

You can read the original article here.